Eat Fresh Delicious Food

Most of us forget, but food is actually packed full of energy- especially the closer it is to it’s natural state. Unfortunately because of time and convenience, processed foods seem to fit into the modern lifestyle so much easier than food that requires some preparation... however don’t be fooled into thinking that just because you are eating your body is getting all that it needs.

Eating healthy and tasty food is actually the quickest way to get the most available energy on a daily basis. You can certainly get quick energy by eating processed foods, however it doesn’t last too long and you’re normally looking for a top up fairly quickly.

You can start to make this change gradually. Here are some quick tips for increasing your daily consumption of fresh delicious food:

  • Why not grow your own- whether you have a balcony or half an acre you can grow your own selection of fresh herbs and vegetables- ready to be picked just when you need them. You couldn’t get any more convenient than that... and it actually works out a lot cheaper

  • Experiment each week by buying a fresh new ingredient that you haven’t tried before..... if you want that personalised service then go to your local green grocers and delis where the staff will spend all day if you want to explain how you can prepare and eat a whole range of wonderful new food items.

  • Go to a cooking class and learn all the basics on cooking. Not being able to cook limits your choices in making the best out of fresh foods... and if you don’t like cooking then send someone from your household who does.

  • Support your local farmer’s markets and buy the freshest produce that you can find. But you need to get there early, as the best of the food is often sold by 9am.

  • Search out new healthy restaurants in your area and try different cuisines. This is a great way of giving you a new eating experience as well as stacks of ideas for what you can do at home. It also is a great way of trying new types of foods without you having to go out and purchase them, find out how to cook them and then to only find out that they aren’t quite what you had hoped for.

  • When eating convenience food choose to add a salad rather than chips. Choose a baked potato rather than potato bake. Choose roasted chicken rather than deep fried chicken. Choose to grill your fish rather than have it fried. Opt for freshly prepared stir frys and go easy on the heavy coconut milk based dishes. When eating pizza, order a thin crust with half the cheese and top it up with lots of fresh ingredients and herbs. Choose a freshly prepared fruit salad than the apple pie and cream. Do you get the idea?

  • Have one day a fortnight that is free of any type of processed foods. Opt for fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh herbs, fresh raw nuts, organic chicken and meats, freshly caught fish, organic free range eggs and plenty of fresh water. Your taste buds will thank you forever. Who knows... it might even become a regular event!


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Nap, Rest & Sleep- Create the Time & Space to Rest